Round Valley Indian Tribes General Election 2016

The Round Valley Indian Tribes Constitution states the following for General Elections:

Article VIII - Elections

Section 1. General Elections. General elections to vote for upcoming vacancies on the Tribal Council shall be held on the first Tuesday of November in even numbered years.

Round Valley Indian Tribes Constitution Article VIII - Elections, Section 1.

This year, 2016, the first Tuesday in November is: November 1st, 2016.

Notice of General Election

The General Election to Fill Three (3) Vacancies will be held on Tuesday, November 1st 2016. Polls Open at 8 AM and close at 8 PM.

There are Three (3) Vacancies.

A petition to run for Tribal Council can be requested from:

The Deadline to file a petition is: Monday, September 19th 2016 at 5 PM

The following is a list of the vote count from election night. the 3 winners are in bold.
Candidate Name Vote Count
Carlino Bettega 149
Laura Betts 60
Mark Britton 84
Esther Bryant 68
Eric Hoaglin 32
Paula Lockhart 61
Susanne Merrifield 69
Carlos Rabano 149
Lewis William "Bill" Whipple 144

Please see the downloads section for a copy of the Election Ordinance and Absentee Ballot Request Form.